Hotel Car Parking Management Systems Hotel Car Parking Management Systems Skip to main content


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Wilson Parking has extensive experience and strong relationships with hotel groups across Australia, catering to the parking needs of hotels and their staff, guests, contractors and visitors. We understand that each hotel is different, so we combine our services to complement the hospitable welcome your hotel delivers.

Wilson Parking builds value at every level for our clients and your guests.

  • Our team understands that your guests are focused on their stay, so we work closely with you to make sure the experience of your hotel starts and ends with welcoming, clean and safe parking facilities.
  • Wilson Parking management services can include full management of your car park, equipment services and parking solutions to cater for guest, contractor, visitor, resident and staff parking.
  • We provide your guests with multiple transaction options including Online Booking and parking Validation solutions.
  • Our leading-edge services can include tiered service options for your guests that range from standard to premium services such as Valet and custom parking validation options for guests.
  • Our experienced marketing team can drive visitation traffic to your car park using proven, localised digital and traditional marketing techniques.

Contact Us

Contact our team to receive more information on how Wilson Parking can help your business.